Social Security Maximization
Benefit Analysis
Social Security analysis to those who have not claimed benefits yet (age 62 or older) – making determination on when to take it.
Understanding Tax Implications
Once social security benefits have begun, use tax knowledge to inform clients on tax consequences of taking benefits, setting up estimated tax payments, or discussing federal withholding on benefits.

Brian is very knowledgeable and I trust him to ask the right questions and give us accurate information.
– Peter W

Knowledge Is Key
Asking the right questions and analyzing the data will result in you getting to biggest benefits from your social security. Allow me to begin the process of gaining you additional dollars in your retirement by contacting me. I will find out what you need to maximize your social security benefits and you will have more money in your checkbook in your retirement years.
Liberty Finacial Consulting will provide you with a detailed report about your Social Security Benefits in 2-3 days at a cost you will find to be more than reasonable.

2499 Rice Street Suite 221 Roseville, MN 55113